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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Visit to Kiritimati Island

Brigadier General Stan Osserman visiting Kiritimati Island to officially hand over the newly completed maternity ward for the people of Kiribati build by the US Navy Seabees


Garlands of Kiritimati Island flowers are presented by Miss Junior Kiritimati
Brigadier General Osserman met by the Minister of the Ministry of Line & Phoenix Islands Development on arrival at Cassidy Airport

United State of America and Kiribati Flags fly in front of the new maternity ward during the Openning celebration

Cutting of the cake by Hon. Minister Dr. Kautu Tenaua and Warrant Officer Bill Yobs

Food is served

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Captain Cook Hotel - New Fishing Paradise

The little boy woke up early to watch the beutiful rising sun between the coconut trees on the small islet of Motu Su at Kiritimati Island 2010

Ready to go bone fishing in the early morning with the experts guidse from the Captain Cook Hotel. Start your fishing trip right from the small and beutiful island.

Frigate Birds will watch you as you fish on the flats, and will ask a share from your days catch.

Nearby fishing ground - walking distance from the island

Lagoon view from Motu Su

Friendly birds will invite you to the island  This is one of the many spies of birds lived on the small island.

You will also find lots of land crabs on the island, they also like fishing on the rocks close to the sea 

Night birds caught by daylight and cannot fly,  resting on the nearby bushes waiting for the night to come when they will set there wings and fly again

Young coconuts planted on the island. If you want to plant coconut trees please come to the island to fish and plant some coconut trees

Board Members of the Captain Cook Hotel having a meeting under the shade of the coconut trees on the small island in
in late 2009 whne they 1st have an idea to develop this unique islet and turn it into a paradise. Their dreams may change this beatiful small island into a paradise of bone fishing resorts.   

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Classrooms Buildings for Banana Primary School,   TRW JSS (Junior Secondary School, and Tennessee Primary School constructed by the US Navy Seabees in Kiritimati Island.  June to December 2010

Banana Primary School New Classroom Openning Cerremony

Tennessee Primary School classroom with the group builders from the Seabees

Junior Secondary School Classroom under construction. (TRW JSS)

KPA Wharf at Ronton Kiritimati Island

Floating Dock Build by US Navy Seabees